我船0521航次先后挂靠巴西PARANAGUA和VITORIA两个卸货港,根据代理发来的到港前文件和港口指南要求,以及实际情况,本期小编向航友们分享几点挂靠巴西港口的相关注意事项,供大家参考,以免重罚或产生不必要的麻烦。 了解更多,点击进入
a- Clearance of the last port of call (if Brazilian)
b- 1 copy of the IMO Crew list showing seamen´s book numbers/expiration date, date/place of embarkation, passport numbers/expiration date.
c- 1 copy of the Passenger List (if any)
d- 1 copy of the Ship Sanitation Certificate
e- ISSC Certificate
f- 1 copy of the Ballast Water (Brazilian NORMAN 20 form)
g- 1 copy of the Ship's Registry Certificate 了解更多,点击进入
h- 1 copy of minimum safe manning certificate
i- 1 copy of the Port State Control last report
j- 1 copy of the Interim/Full Term ISSC Compliance Certificat e k- GMDSS sheet
l- 1 Copy of Class certificate
m- 1 Copy of P & I certificate
n- 1 Copy of Register certificate
o- 1 Copy of the Ship’s Particulars
p- 1 copy of Crew Vaccination list (against yellow fever)
q- 1 copy of the Health Maritime Declaration
r- 1 copy of the Ship's Store List
s- 1 copy of the Bonded Store List
t- 1 copy of the Narcotics List
u- 1 copy of the Last Ports of Call list.
v- 1 Copy of Nil List
x- 1 Copy of Crew Effects Declaration 了解更多,点击进入
Attention to below Port Health Authority demands:
aa- 1 Copy of latest Garbage Disposal Certificate (Garbage Disposal is compulsory anyway)
bb- 1 Copy of latest Air Condition Cleaning Maintenance Certificate (Log Book Report indicating cleanness and maintenance may be alternatively accepted at discretion of Port Health Inspector, in case it is not accepted the servic may be demanded by Health Authority before sailing).
cc- 1 Copy of latest Fresh Water Analysis Certificate. (in case not available, same may be demanded by Health Authority before sailing).
dd- 1 Copy of latest Pest Control Certificate (Validation accepted is 6 months – however – in case living insects is verified during port health inspection, new pest control services may be demanded before sailing.
以上这是4条就是明显的巴西“地方特色”,对于aa垃圾强制处理和cc淡水化验证书这两项我们好理解,也容易做到;bb空调清洁维护证书和dd虫害管理证书(有点类似亚洲飞蛾证书)这两项,我们有可能是第一次听说或很少听说,所以基本上是等着靠港后掏钱办证。由于疫情关系,本航次在PARANAGUA和VITORIA没有健康当局人员上船检查,所以庆幸不用话冤枉钱,但航友们注意不等于就没人来查。 了解更多,点击进入
2.巴西船舶报告系统 了解更多,点击进入
未遵从规定罚款罚款罚款!(*) Non-compliance is subject to fines to ship/owners.
(1)Type 1 - Sailing Plan:
(a) This report contains the basic information required to estimate the vessel’s position and should be sent:
(i) When the vessel joins the SISTRAM system
(ii) When departing from a Brazilian port 了解更多,点击进入
(iii) When entering the Brazilian SAR area from other ports
(b) The report consists of items (in order of transmission): A, B, G, I, L, V, M, X, Y (see THE IMO STANDARD SHIP REPORTING SYSTEM).
(c) The report should be sent as early as possible prior to entering the SAR area or prior to departure from a Brazilian port. In port, it may be sent as a written document.
(2)Type 2 - Position Report:
(a) This report confirms that the vessel has departed or if its position is correct as per the Sailing Plan, and should be sent within the first 24h after departing from a Brazilian port 了解更多,点击进入
(b) The report consists of items (in order of transmission): A, B, C, E, F, M, X, Y (see THE IMO STANDARD SHIP REPORTING SYSTEM)
(3)Type 3 - Deviation Report:
(a) This report provides information for necessary corrections to the Sailing Plan and should be sent:
(i) Whenever the vessel's position deviates 25 n miles or more from the original track
(ii) When the destination port is changed
(iii) When other changes occur resulting in changing the Sailing Plan
(b) The report consists of items (in order of transmission): A, I, L, M, X, Y (see THE IMO STANDARD SHIP REPORTING SYSTEM).
(4)Type 4 - Final Report:
(a) This report provides the information which terminates the participation in SISTRAM. Accordingly, reports should be sent at least one hour before entering the destination port or when exiting from the Brazilian SAR area.
(b) The report consists of items (in order of transmission): A, K, X, Y (see THE IMO STANDARD SHIP REPORTING SYSTEM). 了解更多,点击进入
3.PSC检查,常关注要点项目如下: 了解更多,点击进入
a- Vessel information and Certificates
b- Bridge log
c- Pollution Prevention Records / Equipment
d- Navigation Safety
f- Deck walk
g- Lifesaving Equipment
h- Fire Protection Equipment 了解更多,点击进入
i- Machinery Space
j- Cargo Pump rooms
k- IGS (if so equipped)
l- Drills / test m- ISPS
n- Gyro Compass Calibration
o- Life-rafts inspection
p- Nautical Charts next port, updated Nautical Publications (list of Light and Fog Signals, Notice to Mariners, List of Radio Signals, tide table, etc). There are local British Admiralty Representatives in the port. 了解更多,点击进入
4.EPIRB信息 了解更多,点击进入
EPIRB DETAILS Please inform EPIRB details as follows: EPIRB NUMBER:
5.压载水管理 了解更多,点击进入
a) All vessels calling Brazilian waters must be in strict accordance with Brazilian regulation about Ballast Water Management (regulation NORMAN 20 - attached), and the non-compliance is subject to heavy fines.
b) According to Harbour Master and Law no.9.966 dated April/2000, no de-ballasting of water tanks, including residues of holds washing/cleaning is allowed neither at berth nor at anchorage area.
c) For de-ballasting operation of water tanks and residues of holds washing/cleaning, please follow the Marpol regulation.
d) All Vessels calling Brazilian ports must present (via their agents) the IMO ballast water form (according to NORMAN 20) dully filled-up with complete information maximum 48 hours before Vessel’s arrival at each Brazilian port, otherwise berth may not be granted and Harbour Master may apply heavy fines. 了解更多,点击进入
e) NORMAN 20 IMO Ballast Water form must be sent to us scanned by mail (preferable) or by fax. File attached on our pre-arrival questionnaire.
f) Ballast water exchange reports must be kept on board for 2 years.
Upon changing the Ballast Water, you should keep in mind the safety aspects of the crew and the ship and do it within favorable meteorological conditions. The following measures must be taken:
a) the ships must arrange the Ballast Water change at least 200 miles away from the nearest land and in waters at least 200 meters deep, considering the procedures determined by this Regulation.
b) in the cases that the ship cannot make the Ballast Water change in conformity with item “A”, the change must be carried out as far as possible from the nearest land and, in all cases, at least 50 nautical miles away and in waters at least 200 meters deep. 了解更多,点击进入
6.巴西卫检检查注意要点 了解更多,点击进入
- Food or medicines expired or improperly stored / packed
- Lack / expired of any ship's certificates
- Vessel's hygienic general cleanliness conditions
- Brazilian or vessel's flags always in good condition
- Bulbous bow and seaside lamps
- Rat guards must be placed immediately upon docking and kept until sailing.
- Gangway net protection must be placed immediately when lowered and cannot rest on pier.
- Presence of living insects (cockroaches and rodents are not tolerated
- Frozen food must be properly packed/stored. Wrapping in newspaper/colored plastic not allowed.
- Garbage must be conditioned inside plastic bags and placed into covered drums. (not hanging on board. 了解更多,点击进入
- Sewage tank must be kept sealed during port-stay.
- Yellow flag to be hoisted up either vessel at inner roads or alongside and lowered only upon port health authority order.
- Very heavy fines are imposed for non compliance of such demands doubled when recidivist.
b- Assure to keep safety equipments and original certificates on board for eventual routine inspection (PSC). It is imperative to keep vessel’s safety equipments and original certificate duly updated.
c- Assure to keep original stcw-78 certificate for any of the minimum safety manning crew (as per certificate)
d- Assure to avoid any potential oil leakage into once fine are heavy and vessel detained for inquiry. 了解更多,点击进入
e- Assure to not exceed loading line mark (plimsoll mark over limit) while in port. Pilotage/Harbor Master very restricted this respect.
f- A strict care of Vessel's access must be taken so that strangers are absolutely hindered to come on board.
g- According to prevailing law vessel's accommodation and Jacob's ladders must be kept raised all the time either vessel outer/inner roads.
h- When Vessel is alongside (berth / pier) only the quay side accommodation ladder is allowed.
i- Hull maintenance and/or any other maintenance necessary to be performed at roads (including painting) are not allowed without previous authorization. Please advise us if necessary, informing details and time required, so we can get proper authorization
j- During vessel’s stay at roads or even berthed, vessel must be keep standing by on channel 16. 了解更多,点击进入
k- Slack ropes compromise Vessel’s safety. Please make sure that all ropes are properly tight. (*) Non-compliance is subject to fines to ship/owners.
l- Chandlers, repair shops, sludge removal, garbage removal and/or any other kind of service and/or company to perform services at/for ship must be previously authorized before going on board. If fixed by Master or owners, please instruct them to get in contact with agents prior going on board.
m- Dispatch of couriers / spare parts to Vessel Case Owners decide to send any parcel (spare parts/documents/crew mail), please advice in advance so we can pass to Owners proper way for that.
n- Sludge / garbage removal companies must be duly authorized by Port Authority, and must have in line with environmental law. Besides above, we reinforce that, whenever necessary to collect / remove garbage or sludge, agents must be previously consulted / advised. (*) Non-compliance is subject to fines to ship/owners.
o- Working schedule: 01x07 - 07x13 – 13x19 – 19x01 hours, whenever an absence is detected please contact agents immediately. Exception made for the piers where a boat is required for reaching the Vessel, when shifting time moments should consider a gap (maximum 1 hour) for shifting. 了解更多,点击进入
7.COVID-19 了解更多,点击进入
Brazil remains under quarantine restrictions, measures and special procedures all over the country (with particularities at each city/states based on COVID cases numbers), and most of companies keep “home working”.
Special attention (and demands) are still in force, for the vsl´s inward clearance, specially from Health Authorities. 了解更多,点击进入
Despite the above, ALL BR ports remain open for business, and all vsl´s are being authorized to berth/sail, except when there are confirmed cases of COVID on board.
Crew change follows still under severe restrictions and special procedures are being adopted. Also, courier services may still suffer small delays.
Airports are also working normally , following restrictions + procedures from the air companies and destinations.
(*) We are suggestion owners to CHECK with agents prior confirming crew change and/or sending courier or spare parts. 了解更多,点击进入
Fines and/or more severe restrictions can be applied, due to non-compliance of any of the Authorities recommendations/rules/demands in force.
Government keep gathering together every day, for studying new alternative measures and to review the ones already in force. New actions and procedures can be declared at any time according to the evolution of the pandemic.
We will keep following the situation, closely, and will advise all parties immediately in case something changes, and affects port/vessels operations.
Pls do not hesitate to contact us in case of doubts. 了解更多,点击进入
8.登革热注意要点 了解更多,点击进入
All vessels taking bunkers in Brazil or entering Brazilian ports must be supplied with fuel oil with a maximum sulphur content of 0.5% m/m.
Therefore, until the relevant authority revises the criteria, vessels equipped with open-loop scrubbers can burn HSFO (up to 3.5% m/m) and discharge washwater in Brazilian waters, so long as the EGCS meets the requirements of the 了解更多,点击进入
Convention and its various guidelines.
在巴西锚地和在港时,准备生活区舷梯时,必须安放安全网和辅助钢丝,否则将导致预登船的WATCH MAN,代理投诉,且拒绝上船,造成不必要麻烦。
Ministry of Labour NR-29 and IMO Circular 1331 must be duly complied by vessel. As long as both rules are followed and risk to personnel during transit on accommodation ladder is eliminated, Master is responsible for the correct arrangemen
港口要求例图 我船安全网布置和增加辅助钢丝图 了解更多,点击进入
11.老鼠档问题 了解更多,点击进入
我船在VITORIA锚地等待进港,起锚靠港时,就吃过这样的亏。在起锚时,锚机电源故障,原计划1405LT在VITORIA引航站上船,等恢复锚机电之后,已经延误了半小时,引水船也多开到我船船边,迟迟不上船,而是看着我船起锚,等船开到引航站时,引水直接VHF通知船长,引航计划取消,让回到原锚地抛锚,等候进一步消息。理由是未能准时到达引航站,错过最佳潮汐时段。 了解更多,点击进入
以上即为本期有关巴西PARANAGUA和VITORIA两港的相关注意事项,内容仅供参考,具体信息以当地代理实时信息为准。 了解更多,点击进入